Monday, November 9, 2009
When Does "The Buck" NOT Stop in The Oval Office? Can We Have Some TRUTH?
I have been saying for quite some time now, I believe that often there is entirely too much credit cast upon a presidential administration as well as FAR too much blame. I believe that this has been true in EVERY presidency. Are there times when the person who sits at The Resolute Desk deserves a good lashing? Absolutely. Are there times when their hands are tied in a certain situation, or where wheels were set in motion LONG before their time which they are relatively helpless to stop? Of course. Now, and this is only my opinion, but it seems to me that a more appropriate target in most instances would probably be those who sit on The Hill. After all, in most instances, Congress are the ones who set policy, pass law, and are responsible for all manner of things in this country from a legal standpoint and therefore I feel should bear the brunt of the failings of those policies. Even our Constitution would seem to agree with me as Congress is given first priority and listed in Article ONE. They were FIRST.
This is not to say that a president cannot be CONNECTED to the successes/failings and such of Congress. Often times, their agendas are the same. One cannot operate without the other. When a president sets an agenda, and Congress works with him (or vice versa) to see that it is fulfilled, both should share equal claim to the future successes and/or failures of that agenda.
I say all of this because once again this morning I heard a certain phrase concerning the president uttered by a pundit. This phrase ALWAYS grates on me, and in most instances I feel that it is sorely misplaced. I am talking about: "It happened on his watch."
It seems to me that about half the time that this phrase is used, it is entirely misplaced. We have heard it for years from those on the left concerning the attacks of September 11th, 2001: "It happened on Bush's watch." They say this as though Bush ALONE could have stopped it. Were their failures in the intelligence agencies during his LESS THAN 8 MONTHS in office which could have been avoided? Of course. Where there massive failures and missed opportunities under the previous administration which led to the circumstances under which all those Americans died? Absolutely. So why, other than partisanship, do certain pundits and politicians look only to blame Bush (who, to his and the government's immense credit, kept us safe for the rest of his time in office)? Probably because it's easier to get the fickle populous to fixate on one specific target rather than on the failings of a large swath of government, or government as a whole.
But this phrase was uttered this morning in reference to President Obama concerning the shooting at Ft. Hood last week. Now, to be honest, I am NOT a fan of President Obama. But to say that this was somehow HIS fault?!?
Are there items which a president can indeed be blamed in this way, that is to say; "It happened on his watch."? That, the buck does indeed stop on that desk? Of course...
Severe expansion of government entitlements (Obama AND Bush)? Yep.
Massive new spending with no clear way to pay for it (Obama AND the Democrat-led Congress)? Affirmative.
10.2 % Unemployment despite a Stimulus Bill which PROMISED to keep that number MUCH LOWER? Oh, definitely.
But, I am not surprised that pundits and media types would do something like this. Many of them have been ignoring facts about this event for days now. Honest truth is; there were many witnesses who heard him shout "ALLAHU AKBAR!!!" before he started to fire. But that is being dismissed as just those witnesses IMAGINATIONS... Really?!? He was OBVIOUSLY a radical Muslim, but if you say that certain news folk and commentators will shout you down as intolerant and a fear-monger. I am not saying that he is connected to Al Qaeda or the Taliban or any other group (although evidence does seem to suggest that he is connected to the Imam of 3 of the 9/11 hijackers), but this was OBVIOUSLY an act of terrorism. So, there you have it folks; the first terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11/2001. And somehow this is solely President Obama's fault? No...
This was the shooters' fault. This was the Army's fault. This was the fault of politicians, of a government, and of a society that has become overly sensitive and far too politically correct.
With each passing day, we learn more details which suggest that this COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED. There were definitely warning signs. But political correctness forced the blinders BACK ON. Whose fault is that? At whose feet does the blame rest? Every single person in this country who has stood idly by and allowed the virus of political correctness to cloud our judgement. Every single person in this country who has been ACTIVE in furthering the spread of political correctness. That DOES include Obama, but it's not ONLY his fault.
There are indeed times when "The Buck Stops..." squarely at that desk and its occupant. But we MUST know the difference between a systemic failure, which this was, and the failure of one indivudual or a very small group.
Again, I am not an Obama fan. But he is being incorrectly blamed just as Bush was and I must be fair.
After another hiatus... Now Available on Townhall!!!
So, the news;
1) I've changed the title of my blog. It is now known as The Publius Report.
2) As always, my posts will be found here (WHERE YOU ALREADY ARE!). But, they will also now be available at Just follow the link below;
The Publius Report - Townhall Version
3) You can follow me on TWITTER (where I will post links to my blogs when I have a new article, etc.) by following THIS link below;
Follow PubliusX on TWITTER!!!
That's about it for now. Keep checking back regularly for new updates and opinions.
God Bless,
Friday, September 11, 2009
We've Been Here Before (A Call to Continuance)
My name is Mike Palmer. I am a recent college graduate who studied Political Science and Pre-Law. Like many of my fellow recent graduates, I’m still trying to find gainful employment post-commencement. I am 31 years of age, my wife is a 3rd grade teacher, and she and I are expecting our first child this winter. Full disclosure; I am an Evangelical. I am a Conservative. But I’m not exactly a “normal” Conservative. I LOVE soccer, which is more of an international sport. But, I digress.
They think that we are stupid.
They think that we are confused.
They think that we are gullibly loyal.
But, let’s be honest here. If history can teach us anything, have we EVER given them reason to think otherwise?
We’ve been here before. Yet somehow they still sit in their seats of power, looking down upon the populous with a laugh in their hearts and a scolding tone in their voices.
We’ve been here before. Why should they worry THIS TIME? Why should they think that THIS TIME, will somehow be ANY different? After all, it seems that much of the citizenry of this nation have forgotten warnings from those like Thomas Jefferson;
“Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The PEOPLE THEMSELVES are its only repositories.”
Every so often, “We The People” get to this point. “We The People” have had enough. “We The People” begin to rail against that which has injured and infuriated us.
But, like clockwork, those whom we are angry at change their stripes JUST IN TIME for the next round of elections. They remind us of all the “good” things they’ve done for us and for our communities. And, historically speaking, we forget.
Our former angst always seems to be replaced with the same tired complacency.
We’ve been here before. THEY’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE. As such, they are not worried.
Should they be?
For approximately 100 years a progressively revolutionary agenda has in many ways succeeded in moving this great REPUBLIC toward a democracy of pure mob rule.
Those who seek this end, placate the people with various “earmarks”, and “hand-outs” and “programs”.
They also seek to distract the people with “issues” which have the desired effect of driving a wedge amongst the citizenry resulting in relatively meaningless arguments, A.K.A. “debates”, thus taking the focus off of how those in power are seeking to “Fundamentally change/remake The United States of America.”
And now, with the media (that so-called “4th Branch of Government”) operating as a biased referee as opposed to a public advocate, the powers-that-be in Washington, D.C. feel as though their post is secure and that their agenda of creating a mobocracy with contented voters in gerrymandered districts is basically invincible.
We’ve been here before. And those who founded this republic knew all to well from the lessons of WORLD HISTORY the potential dangers associated with the system that we have sat idly by and allowed those in power to create over the past century.
Today, we celebrate that grand old document which they ratified in 1787: The Constitution. Honestly though, we should be celebrating this DAILY. But it seems that many have forgotten what “The Father of the Constitution”, James Madison warned;
“[D]emocracies have ever been spectacles of TURBULENCE and CONTENTION; have ever been found to be incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general, been as short in their lives as they have been in their violent deaths.”
But, there were many other warnings about the dangers of pure democracy from other founders. John Adams said things like;
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.”
“A mob is no less a mob though they are with you.”
The system which these progressives and revolutionaries have created relies heavily upon a populous which continuously and predictably return to a content and complacent state of being.
With this kind of populous, they think that they can implement any myriad of things. Included in this would be certain revenue creating structures which seek not only to create a “cradle to grave” society, but also seek to implement behavioral modification by increasing taxes, fees and premiums on those things considered by some bureaucrats to be undesirable or unhealthy. One example of THAT would be Senator Baucus’ “Soda Tax” idea. They also seek to become more “global” and hope to have the Senate ratify things like the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Now, I’ve studied this convention EXTENSIVELY, and there are absolutely some good things to be found within. This would include protocols which outlaw the use of minors in military operations as well as outlawing all manner of child exploitation (such as child prostitution). But this treaty would also not only in many ways have the effect of usurping the supreme law of this land, our Constitution, but would also have the following effects;
It would become illegal for a nation to spend more on national defense than it does on child welfare. Wait a minute… Isn’t national defense “general welfare”?
Nationwide, parents would no longer legally be able to administer ANY spankings.
Under the UNCRC, homeschooling would become completely illegal.
Parents would in no way be permitted to determine the FAMILY RELIGION, but instead would only be permitted to “give advice”.
“The best interests of the child” would give the government the ability to override ANY and EVERY decision made by ANY and EVERY parent should a government worker disagree with the decision in question.
As such, a “child’s right to be heard” would allow the child to seek governmental review of any parental decision with which the child disagrees.
Every child would gain a legally enforceable “right to leisure”.
Parents would in no way be allowed to opt their children out of sexual education.
Children would obtain the right to reproductive health information and services. This would include abortions, without a requirement of parental consent or even parental knowledge. But then the parent COULD receive a BILL for the procedure.
Under no circumstances would anything about Christianity be permitted to be taught in schools, but there is (not surprisingly) no mention of any other religion being shown this hostility.
These things are already being enforced in the over 100 U.N. member nations which have ratified the UNCRC.
But eventually, a system built on majoritarianism and the Ponzi-schemes of social programs with over $100 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities (not to mention an ever expanding and progressing tax code), MUST have a day of reckoning.
That day can either be met head on, or simply ignored and permitted to be continually postponed.
We’ve been here before. We KNOW what needs to be done. The damage of democracy MUST be reversed. Our republic MUST be restored.
There IS a process for meeting this goal. But we are still only at Step 1; (and that is) RECOGNIZING THE PROBLEM AND UNDERSTANDING OUR ROLE IN ALLOWING IT TO FESTER TO THIS POINT.
Thomas Jefferson may indeed be “The Father of the Democratic Party”. Interestingly, his party which would eventually become known as the Democratic Party was known in his time as the Democratic-Republicans or the Jeffersonian Republicans. Personally, I believe that Jefferson probably would be a Libertarian today, IF ANYTHING. Both of our current major parties simply would have been too authoritarian to have garnered much, if any, political support back then. But Thomas Jefferson, a man who at one point in his life looked upon the French Revolution with REVERANCE, knew better than to believe that only certain people (or, “elites”) could legitimately run things. He said;
“Hear no more of trust in men, but rather bind them from mischief with the chains of the Constitution.”
Those whom have injured and infuriated us, DO NOT respect those chains. They scoff at the founding principle of this idea that power originally emanates from God, of God then sending that power to us (the people), and that we then LOAN those powers to whomever “We The People” select to do the work of “We The People”. Not of, “We The Elites”. Not of, “We The Representatives”. Not of, “We The Powerful Lobby”. “WE THE PEOPLE”.
WE’VE BEEN HERE BEFORE. But this time, I IMPLORE YOU, DO NOT TIRE. DO NOT become complacent. Stay active. Stay involved. READ. LEARN. Learn about the evils of the mob rule inherent of pure democracy, of progressivism, of revolution and revolutionaries. Learn who your representatives at ALL levels of government REALLY are. If they don’t work for YOU, elect someone who will.
Pay no attention to party. Pay attention to their words and actions. Pay attention to their principles. Make THIS TIME different. When they change their stripes, and you know they will just in time for the next election season (which is just around the corner), DON’T BUY INTO IT. DO NOT GET COMPLACENT. Stay active. Stay involved.
A peaceful counter-revolution is and has been brewing. But we must not tire. The future of our republic, of our children, of our soon to be born children, and of our LIBERTY WILL NOT WAIT.
It must be NOW OR NEVER.
Like those in Philadelphia in 1776, we must pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor in this endeavor. Otherwise, we’ll be back here yet again, wondering, “How in the world did we get all of these people again?!?”
The great experiment of the American republic, a constitutional republic begun centuries ago, HAS NOT FAILED. It’s not even FAILING. It IS being abandoned. Some of our fellow citizens seem to be willing to sit by and allow that to happen.
Will we become complacent again? Or will we heed the warning of Benjamin Franklin all those years ago when he was asked;
“What form of government have you given us this day, Dr. Franklin?”
His response?
“A REPUBLIC! If you can keep it…”
Stand for your republic! Do not allow us to once again have to say, “We’ve been here before.”! Do not leave this charge to future generations! WE are here NOW! Take back your republic THIS TIME!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Cash for Clunkers = Environazi Appeasement
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
It is begun... Political Reality THE SHOW (CLICK HERE)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Political Reality... THE RADIO SHOW!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
People are Gullible (But There IS Hope)
Seriously. Californians ACTUALLY said, "ENOUGH!!!", when it came to increasing taxes.
Amazing, I KNOW...
That period of revolt helped lead to the rise of Ronald Reagan to the presidency in 1980, and to nearly THIRTY years of economic growth and prosperity.
What amazes me is how events of the current day continually seem to mirror this period of our past. Remember those folks, myself included, who said Obama looked to be another Carter? Oh, if we could only be so lucky to have another Reagan around the corner. But I digress...
Today, Californians have been asked by their REPUBLICAN governor and DEMOCRAT-led assembly/senate to vote in favor 5 propositions which would increase taxes on ALL CITIZENS, divert funds, etc., in the hopes of closing a budget shortfall of AT LEAST 15 BILLION dollars. Without this money, it has been argued by the governor and his friends in Sacramento (via mob tactics no less...), that California will become a failed state unless we then cut police, fire, and education budgets. Funny how we never mention all that funding for FREE benefits for ILLEGAL ALIENS... Given how California typically votes, one would think that these propositions would likely pass by a landslide.
But a funny thing happened on the way to California becoming potentially a failed state... The people of California have apparently decided to have ANOTHER tax revolt!!! ALL FIVE appear to be on their way to defeat, but with a sixth proposition preventing state reps from voting themselves pay raises during years where there is a budget shortfall (interestingly, they have voted themselves pay raises TWICE in the last year, even though they couldn't vote to pass a STATE BUDGET).
SO, it appears that the state of California will have to go the rout of the everyday voter... Roll up their sleeves and see where we can afford to make cuts. Of course, the choices that will be made will be IDIOTIC (instead of cutting funding for illegals, sea otters, etc., they'll cut other funds), unless these morons realize that the next election will be for THEIR JOBS.
After last fall, I began to wonder about the common sense of many Americans. ESPECIALLY in California. Now, I have HOPE... No, not that kind of hope. We still have a long way to go, but at least there seems to be a light at our feet.
But, I've also found it interesting how other states are looking to increase revenues. Deleware recently became the 4th state to now allow legal sports betting. Other states are considering similar plans, and some include legalizing marijuana (Oregon, California and others) and even PROSITUTION... Of course, the goal is to TAX revenues from these newly legalized items and to also make money off of the "licenses" which will be needed to buy, produce, sell, etc...
So, I thought I'd offer my own sarcastic plan for California after these propostions fail...
1. Legalize Weed
2. Legalize Sports Betting
3. Legalize Prostitution
Then, open a chain of brothels which also house a sports book and a "head shop". In addition to the tax revenues flowing in from these houses of ill-repute, the state will see an increase in sales tax revenues from the skyrocketing sales of ice cream, tacos, and Pop-Tarts...
The sad part is, someone is Sacramento will probably think this is a GREAT idea...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
California: Failed State?
In some spots, I have inflected my own personal opinions...
California is a failed liberal experiment.
Liberalism, which clings to the childlike belief in the free lunch, has wrecked this once great state. California: the land of energy, agriculture, and a treasure trove of brilliant human capital is now collapsing in upon itself, straining under the weight of a staggering $40 billion+ deficit.
In Homage to Catalonia, a personal narrative of his participation in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell marveled at the ability of Marxists (aka: COMMUNISTS) to reduce to a state of filth and chaos any building which they occupied. And like Orwell, Americans may now marvel at the state of filth and fiscal chaos liberal Democrats reduce almost any state or municipality THEY occupy. From Detroit to Chicago, and from Massachusetts to California... Only liberalism could bring THE WORLDS' SIX LARGEST ECONOMY (California) to it's knees in one generation.
As an unfortunate resident of California, I take no glee in pointing this out. California once embodied America and our optimistic, expansionist ideals. But no longer. This collapsed welfare state is exhibit A in the gallery of liberalisms failures. Of course, the New York Times and a yapping chorus of progressive apologists don't see things this way. So who's to blame, according to left? Why Republicans, of course! The following is from The New York Times, liberalisms toilet paper of record:
"The roots of California’s inability to address its budget woes are statutory and political. The state, unlike most others, requires a two-thirds majority vote in the legislature to pass budgets and tax increases. And its process for creating voter initiatives hamstrings the budget process by directing money for some programs while depriving others of cash. "
For months Republicans in the California Assembly and Senate have vowed not to raise taxes. In California this means no increase in the sales, gasoline, cigarette, utilities, vehicle license, personal income tax, or and other the other myriad of "taxes".
The American Prospect pushes the liberal line even further: Proposition 13 (from the late 1970's) and the ensuing property tax hikes wrecked the state by raising the rate from 1% to 3.5%, a rate which devestated senior homeowners living on fixed incomes and led to an artificial housing crisis. So there we have it: A state completely run by free-spending liberal Democrats at every level collapses and the Republicans are to blame.
Wayne Allyn Root throws a bucket of cold water on this nonsense:
"The good news is that California leads the nation. The bad news is that California leads the nation in deficit, debt and the amount of residents escaping to other states."
Just a few ways in which California "leads" the nation...
*California leads the country in spending on government employees.
*California spends twice as much as the national average per student on education (with dismal results).
*California spends almost $200 million per year on free college educations for illegal immigrants (no, that's not a typo).
*California has the most draconian anti-business rules and regulations in the nation. That forces businesses to spend too much. The result is that California is the most costly place in America to do business (according to the Milken Institutes business cost index).
*California is heaven for trial lawyers and hell for small businesses. That could be why so many major employers have left the state (according to Investor's Business Daily).
*California has the second highest income tax rates in all of America. And it is among the nation's leaders in virtually every tax category possible- income taxes, business taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, taxes on real estate transactions, taxes on stock transactions, capital gains taxes, workers compensation taxes, the list is endless. Behold the Fruits of Rampant Liberalism!
* Record breaking debt and junk bond rating. Highest debt ever for any state in the history of the nation.
* Job growth 20% lower than the nation. But it's not just any jobs that California is losing. According to the California Manufacturers and Technology Association, the state has lost 440,000 high-wage jobs.
* 3rd highest unemployment rate in the nation, but many believe it will SOON be #1.
* Reverse Gold Rush: Last year, over 144,000 more people left California than moved in. That EASILY led the nation. This was the fourth straight year of "out-migration". Liberals can try to refute this, but the facts are clear, and Californian refugees are voting with their feet. That 144,000 number seems oddly familiar...
If President Obama and the liberal Democrats in Congress have their way, soon we'll be saying: We're all Californians now.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Is The United States of America Mentioned in The Bible?
Daniel 7:1-9 - Daniel's vision of four beasts.
Daniel 7:4
The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
Daniel's vision in Daniel 7 describes four beasts - a lion with eagle's wings, a bear, a leopard with four heads, and a beast described as "dreadful and terrible" with large teeth of iron and a head with ten horns. We know from Daniel 7:17 and Daniel 7:23 that these beasts represent kings and kingdoms.
According to Daniel 7:9-12, these kingdoms will exist at about the time of the return of Jesus Christ to establish His 1000 year reign of peace. Many, including myself believe that we are rapidly approaching that day.
Consider the lion with eagle's wings. Great Britain's official animal symbol is the lion. Some of Britain's flags have had the image of the lion. It is common to see Britain referred to as a lion in news articles and political cartoons. The entry for "lion" in Webster's Third New International Dictionary states that the lion is the symbol of Great Britain.
Now consider the eagle's wings. Take a look at the reverse side of the United States' one-dollar bill. On the great seal of the United States you will find the image of an eagle. It is common knowledge that the eagle is the national bird of the United States and that its image is repeatedly used in the news media to represent the United States.
Interestingly, in Daniel's vision, we see the eagle's wings coming out of the lion. Here we have what appears to be a clear depiction of the United States growing out of her mother country, Great Britain.
There are those, myself among them, who believe that the identity of the other three beasts may also indeed be ascertained through knowledge;
The image of a bear is often used to describe a powerful Soviet Union/Russia. Even in todays news media, given recent events such as Russia's incursions into Georgia, etc., there are those who refer to the "Russian Bear" reasserting its dominance. Could this image of a bear in the book of Daniel be modern day Russia?
The leopard could indeed be China. Leopards and other large cats are often associated with Asian nations such as China, and China is fast becoming a major player in the world both politically AND economically.
The final beast in Daniel's dream, the one described as "dreadful and terrible" with large iron teeth and a head with ten horns, is held by some based upon other prophesies to be a global conglomeration/one world government. And with the United Nations seeking to increase its power and influence in more and more ways, including control over world economies and calling for a "global reserve currency" (possible fulfillment of prophesy concerning a "one-world currency"?), it is not too much of a stretch to see this beast as possibly being the emerging UN...
Doesn't this all seem a little TOO coincidental?
God in his foreknowledge and wisdom saw the nations that would exist at the time of His return. In His love, He gave Daniel a vision so that we might have understanding in these last days and prepare ourselves for His soon return!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
We Need To Demand Action...
1. Stop the government war against Freedom of Religion in the public realm.
2. Secure the borders/Enforce anti-sanctuary laws/Abolish using federal revenues to benefit ANYONE WHO DOESN'T PAY TAXES.
3. Finish the job we started after September 11th, 2001. We must never rest until the EVIL of international terrorism is crushed under our heel.
4. Abolish the earmark.
5. Repeal all FEDERAL INCOME TAX LAWS/The IRS/Federal Welfare and make the states take care of themselves and their own. We survived for over a century without federal income tax revenues, and we can do it again. The federal military can be funded via other revenues which have existed for CENTURIES.
6. Get the FEDERAL government completely out of public education. Ever since they got into public education in 1968 via LBJ's "Great Society", our system has been in steady decline. Coincedence? Doubtful...
7. Invalidate Roe v. Wade as illegal judicial legislation, and return control of abortion laws to the states.
8. Leave marriage alone, and leave it up to the individual states.
9. Abolish the use of any "quota" system.
10. Pass a Constitutional Amendment certifying that ANY ELECTED FEDERAL OFFICIAL convicted of "high crimes and/or high misdemeanors" will no longer be eligible to hold federal office (elected or otherwise). This is the ULTIMATE TERM LIMIT.
My fear though, is that without this... We may be heading straight into a second Civil War.
A New, CRIPPLING, Tax Plan Announced by Obama...
I've been reading a lot of blogs and comments about this latest announcement coming from the Oval Office, and some are missing the point, although only slightly. These aren't taxes on health care YOU BUY. These are taxes on BENEFITS from your employer. If you BUY YOUR OWN, you won't be taxed (remember this key point, it will be important later). Taking that into account, consider the following... The average cost for my wife's school district to pay for health benefits (medical, dental, vision) for a family of 4 is about $1,000 a month. That works out to approximately $12,000 a year. Taking into account that the top marginal tax rate will rise to over 38% (although I believe that the actual final number will be MUCH higher) under the current administration, that works out to potentially an extra $4,560 ($380 per month, or $414.55 if you are a teacher who only gets paid 11 months out of the year) in taxes being deducted from people's paychecks. Now also remember that if the FEDERAL government decides to do this, that many states will most likely follow suit in short order. So, if you live in California, that's an approximate extra 11% per year potentially...
That KILLS many folks financially. That's a car payment that they cannot afford anymore, etc... What hurts American families' saving/spending, hurts the American economy in a very impactful way by killing the ability of consumers to consume and thus for companies to remain solvent and to help pull us out of this economic quagmire.
There are two realities to this proposed plan:
1) Following this announcement I fully expect the DOW to have a loss, most likely a SUBSTANTIAL one, on Monday the 16th of March. Should the plan become reality, WATCH OUT BELOW!!! Could I be wrong? Sure. Some good news could come out before tomorrow morning which could counter this devestation, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Also, remember what caused this past week's uptick in the DOW: the administration finally put a lid on all this "gloom and doom" about the economy (for the most part), and there was very good news coming out of Detroit (Ford reworking their UAW agreement and eliminating the "jobs bank") and CitiGroup announcing they expect to turn a profit.
2) People could actually SAVE money under this plan by purchasing their own health care insurance, and then getting a tax credit the following spring. Although the savings will only be seen when they file their returns, and that added cost per month to their budget for health care will be about the same as the taxes that would have occurred (thus, having the same impact on their wallets AND our economy). Also, does anyone REALLY believe that employers will replace that lost benefit with more pay? Of course not, they will take it as a nice new "profit". And I wonder who will sell the people that insurance? This is all a ploy to further the push of UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.
Are we sufficiently angry yet folks? I know I am. And as odd as it sounds, I'm also tired of being RIGHT. The evidence keeps mounting... Government control of anything it can touch, a dependent electorate, etc... It is SO obvious what is coming...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
It's Been A While...
Since I last posted, some 60 million American voters were duped by a smooth-talker into electing him as President. It seems as though many Americans just could not remember the lessons learned when we previously elected a smooth-talking socialist with a thin resume (Jimmy Carter). Obviously, I am not happy with the current state of our nation from a political leadership standpoint. That being said, I will not act like those who cried foul in 2000 (and who showed their obvious lack of Constitutional knowledge, and this would include democrats in CONGRESS) and even had the gall to wear shirts which read "Not MY President". Barack Obama, despite my reservations with the man (Marxist tendencies, etc...), is my president for better or worse. HOWEVER...
When will this man and his complacent Congress led by Pelosi and Reid realize that they are SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the CURRENT crash of the stock market? I know, I know... Some people will argue that it is a continuance of what Bush left behind (The fact that BDR, Bush Derangement Syndrome, continues just boggles my mind... Trust me, someone will blame events which occur YEARS from now on Bush. It'll probably be Keith Olbermann, and how he and Rachel Maddow call themselves "non-partisan" is BEYOND me...), but the facts simply don't support this. The stock market had relatively settled down by Inauguration Day, but has since been slipping further and further into an abyss. This has been a result of Democratic Party policies being announced and implemented. Trust me on the following folks; YOU CAN WATCH OBAMA SPEAK ABOUT NEW ECONOMIC PLANS, AND HAVE A STOCK TICKER NEXT TO THAT PICTURE AND WATCH THE MARKET FALL!!! Some major news channels have already picked up on this. THE MARKETS KNOW what is coming; more regulation, and less PROFITABILITY. Thus, why would ANYONE be active in BUYING?!?
But alas, democrats and their constituents seem to believe that this is all necessary and what we really need now is a NEW New Deal, or according to British P.M. Gordon Brown a GLOBAL New Deal. All of this of course ignores the fact that while FDR's New Deal APPEARED to help to begin reversing The Great Depression in the beginning, the reality is that unemployment still hovered around 20 percent, and after more than 8 years in office only World War II saved his legacy. One other tidbit of information that gets lost in this is a little known Executive Order in which FDR deemed any income over $25,000 to be EXCESSIVE, and would be taxed at 100%. WOW...
But the biggest lessons that Obama and his cronies need to remember are the lessons which got us INTO The Great Depression. President Herbert Hoover was the president under whom The Great Depression occurred. The Great Depression was the result of Hoover Administration policies which allowed a deep recession (which we were coming out of) to turn into a MASSIVE depression. What were those policies? Higher taxes, bigger economic regulations, and protectionist policies (such as Obama and the democrats' "Buy American" provision in the latest stimulus bill).
So, what should this administration do? In a word; NOTHING!!! Let the system work, and let insolvent companies fail and go away. Stop continually bailing out companies over and over again (if AIG or GM get another bailout, I may actually lose my friggin' mind), and tell them to do what countless of other people and businesses have had to do throughout history; GO BANKRUPT. The more we keep these companies (and bad mortgages too) propped up, the longer this is going to last.
But, to be honest, I hope they keep making these obviously foolish decisions. It only makes the return of Conservatism that much easier.